The AfricAI Conference: Bringing AI Researchers Together

The AfricAI Conference Brought AI Researchers from Around the World Together. Read the blog to learn more about the experience this emerging AI researcher had at the conference.

The AfricAI conference presented an unquestionably valuable experience by bringing individuals together from African and non-African nations to discuss the application of AI in Africa. I learned at the conference that policies are crucial in enabling advancement in the areas we occupy.

The AfricAI conference allowed me to present my paper titled Smart Townships: A Double-Edged Sword. The presentation provided me with the opportunity to speak about low-income neighbourhoods, which I referred to as townships, outside the context of South Africa. The conversations I had with experts in AI after the presentation helped me rethink some arguments of my paper and even offered ways on how to improve the paper.

AfricAI gives a great platform for scholars, students and policy makers to engage and try to craft solutions to the problems we face. In addition, the conference enhanced my ability to engage with others who are knowledgeable in different fields and allowed me to access beneficial networking opportunities.

Sessions Attended

I attended several sessions at the conference, which discussed:

·      Improving the digital footprint ofAfrican languages,

·      Meta Bursaries Researchers:Insights into AI ethics (where I presented),

·      AI policy/governance through an African lens

·      Challenges of AI adoption in South Africa and Rwanda

·      Applying AI to healthcare in low-income settings

These sessions exposed me to different viewpoints in terms of understanding and presenting research. 

Opportunities growing from the AfricAI conference

The AfricAI conference provided me with the opportunity to meet specialists from many fields of study and to share my presentation with other scholars. Through these interactions, I was able to engage with various perspectives on AI and research. With my presentation, I was able to solicit feedback from specialisation how to enhance my study, and others were able to give their perspectives on how AI can be useful in low-income neighbourhoods. Conversations with fellow Meta bursars helped me understand their perceptions of the impact of AI in their regions and how smart technologies can improve the lives of the poor.

Plans to publish the PhD

I am in my 4th year of PhD and I am hoping to submit my work for examination soon. So, I plan on publishing my research in accredited journals in South Africa and internationally. I also hope to turn my thesis into a book so that my participants will be able to access it. I would be grateful if RIA supported me with mentorship on how to go about getting publication opportunities and funding for this. I would be greatly appreciative if I received a mentorship opportunity.